Singing with Makaton

Sign along to our favourite nursery rhymes and songs

Sign along to our favourite nursery rhymes and songs

At LEYF, we use Makaton signing to support communication and language development. Signs and visual gestures used alongside singing or speech help to develop language and communication skills from babies to pre-school children and beyond.

Signing and singing are beneficial for children’s vocalisation, confidence, social skills, emotional development, well-being and self-esteem.

Using music to support communication and language development is both fun and interactive, and adding Makaton to songs can really enhance this experience.

Using Makaton with songs transforms singing into a multi-sensory learning experience, as the signs turn the lyrics into a visual performance.

In this video, Victoria, a LEYF nursery teacher, shares some of our favourite songs – ‘Open, Shut Them’, ‘Miss Polly Had a Dolly’ and ‘The ABC Song’ – with the addition of Makaton.

Sing along at home with your children and let them help you to learn the Makaton signs they have been learning and enjoying at nursery.