Dialogic Reading with Three Little Pigs

Hear this classic fairytale read aloud

Hear this classic fairytale read aloud

Reading to children daily can promote the development of language and literacy skills. Reading is great fun for both the child and the adult, as well as being a special time together.

Prompts from an adult are part of a Dialogic Reading strategy where the adult is the listener, the questioner and the audience for a child.

Using Dialogic prompts enhances the storytelling and the development of language and literacy skills.

Dialogic Reading encourages the child to become the storyteller using a series of prompts. This is known as the PEER sequence:

  • Prompts the child to say something about the book
  • Evaluates the child’s response
  • Expands the child’s response by rephrasing and adding information to it
  • Repeats the prompt to make sure the child has learned from the expansion

In this video, a LEYF teacher and pre-school child demonstrate how we use Dialogic Reading at nursery and how you can do it at home with your children.

They share the classic fairytale, Three Little Pigs.